Pose apprecation week - Adorkable poses

We're already on day 4 of the pose appreciating! And there's so much left to appreciate ;-)
Ever stood in a pose and thought: if only my hair was swept over my other shoulder, or if only i had my other hand up? That's where mirrored poses come in darn handy! And you know who's one of the stores stelling mirrored poses in their regular packs? Adorkable poses.

Pose apprecation week - Adorkable poses1
Posing with a gown is hard enough as it is, so I really appreciate the mirror options.

Pose apprecation week - Adorkable poses2
Pencil II 5m, Pencil II 6, Sleek 4, Sleek 7m - ADORKable Poses [Using Tillie's pose stand]

Hair: Listen - Elikatira
Skin: Xihe - Essences [Currently at Around the World]
Eyes:  Stella eyes n4 - Glam affair
Lashes: Mesh eyelashes - Maitreya [Group gift]

Headband: Calliope - Elate! [Currently at Around the World]
Dress: Lavish - Apple may designs [Currently at Around the World]
