Hair fair: Miamai

To kick off my hair fair coverage, I picked this fabulous Degarda hair from Miamai.

Hair fair Miamai
Nothing says WOOHOO HAIR FAIR like a big ass flower in my hair. Both the flower petals as the heart is colorchangeable through the hud.

Hair fair Miamai2
Poses: Something I needed, The broken glass - Flowey [Using Tillie's posestand]

Hair: Degarda - Miamai [Hair fair: 13th July - 28th July]
Skin: Lulu - Glam affair
Eyes: Stella eyes n4 - Glam affair
Lashes: Mesh lashes v.01 - Beetlebones

Dress: ColorBlockDress - Coco
Shoes: Alex - G Field

Creator info and SLURLs can be found on the Designer list page.
