Yessirree! I'm doing so many out of the ordinary things, that it's becoming pretty ordinary to me. This post is because of Skylar Coeur, who came up with the "Busting out of your bubble" challenge. She paired up a bunch of bloggers to get together and blog! I got paired up with the lovely Amy Beebe. A perfect match, she's totally cute, just like me. To get to know each other, we ask each other a few questions. So let's find out who's Amy? [I added some commentary between brackets]
1. What made you decide to start a (fashion) blog?
A friend of mine suggested it too me because I had/have such a huge shopping addiction! I was also looking for something different to do at the time.
[Shopping addicts unite girlfriend!]
2. What don't you like about blogging?
I would have to say I really dislike coming up with titles. That is what I struggle with most, oddly enough.
[Tell me about it, style and snap in 15 mins, finding a title... 45 mins]
3. What do you like about blogging?
I love so many things about it. Putting together a look, finding the perfect location to take pictures, learning more and more tricks each day, etc.
[Aww yay! It's all so much fun]
4. Do you have a blogger routine (and if so, do share!)
I usually put on some music and zone out, starting with my base avatar, and building a look from there. I'm pretty simple in my looks, so it doesn't take me to long.
[*takes notes*]
5. Where do you get your inspiration?
From the many wonderful content creators in Second Life. I don't tend to go outside of SL for my inspiration.
[It's true, there are alot of wonderful creators out there]
6. If you couldn't blog anymore, what would you be doing in SL?
I would probably go back to Roleplaying, or just leave altogether.
[Oh roleplaying, I have never tried that, I never think it's for me]
7. Why should people read *your* blog? what sets you apart from everyone else?
That is a tough question. I'm actually pretty boring as far as text goes. I guess people should read it if they want straight up information on products and a realistic impression of what the item will look like when they wear it in world, granted on a gaming laptop:p
I don't really think anything sets me apart from anyone else, there is so much talent out there.
[Aww, don't be so modest. It's true what you say about your blog, your pictures are very clear, without editing the product too much. And that's very important for a blog. You also play around with different styles and that's so nice to see!]

On me:
Hair: American woman - Exile
Skin: Zara - Glam affair [Currently at Skin Fair]
Eyes: Stella eyes n4 - Glam affair
Lashes: Mesh lashes v.01 - Beetlebones
Nails: Fall/winter 2012 nails - Izzie's
Top: Oversized top - Ison [At March's Collabor88]
Pants: Leather leggings - Tres blah
Necklace: Jewelled owl - Maxi Gossamer
To find out what's Amy wearing, check out her blog!
1. What made you decide to start a (fashion) blog?
A friend of mine suggested it too me because I had/have such a huge shopping addiction! I was also looking for something different to do at the time.
[Shopping addicts unite girlfriend!]
2. What don't you like about blogging?
I would have to say I really dislike coming up with titles. That is what I struggle with most, oddly enough.
[Tell me about it, style and snap in 15 mins, finding a title... 45 mins]
3. What do you like about blogging?
I love so many things about it. Putting together a look, finding the perfect location to take pictures, learning more and more tricks each day, etc.
[Aww yay! It's all so much fun]
4. Do you have a blogger routine (and if so, do share!)
I usually put on some music and zone out, starting with my base avatar, and building a look from there. I'm pretty simple in my looks, so it doesn't take me to long.
[*takes notes*]
5. Where do you get your inspiration?
From the many wonderful content creators in Second Life. I don't tend to go outside of SL for my inspiration.
[It's true, there are alot of wonderful creators out there]
6. If you couldn't blog anymore, what would you be doing in SL?
I would probably go back to Roleplaying, or just leave altogether.
[Oh roleplaying, I have never tried that, I never think it's for me]
7. Why should people read *your* blog? what sets you apart from everyone else?
That is a tough question. I'm actually pretty boring as far as text goes. I guess people should read it if they want straight up information on products and a realistic impression of what the item will look like when they wear it in world, granted on a gaming laptop:p
I don't really think anything sets me apart from anyone else, there is so much talent out there.
[Aww, don't be so modest. It's true what you say about your blog, your pictures are very clear, without editing the product too much. And that's very important for a blog. You also play around with different styles and that's so nice to see!]
On me:
Hair: American woman - Exile
Skin: Zara - Glam affair [Currently at Skin Fair]
Eyes: Stella eyes n4 - Glam affair
Lashes: Mesh lashes v.01 - Beetlebones
Nails: Fall/winter 2012 nails - Izzie's
Top: Oversized top - Ison [At March's Collabor88]
Pants: Leather leggings - Tres blah
Necklace: Jewelled owl - Maxi Gossamer
To find out what's Amy wearing, check out her blog!