It's almost September, which means we need to get ready for sweater season.
Pose: but if you disappear, came to say goodbye - Flowey [Using Tillie's posestand]
Hair: Charlize - Truth
Skin: Lulu - Glam affair
Eyes: Stella eyes n4 - Glam affair
Lashes: Mesh lashes v.01 - Beetlebones
Top: Damask sweater - The secret store
Ring: Aliena - Donna flora
Ring: Flower ring - Maxi Gossamer
Skirt: Fonda - MichaMi
Feet: Medium feet - Slink
Shoes: Pickford heels - Ingenue [Collabor88: 8th August- 6th September]
Location: Collin's land
Creator info and SLURLs can be found on the Designer list page.