Clogs. 'nuff said.

Or maybe not! These fabulous clogs are available at The Arcade, which ends today. You know you want to rock these.

Poses: Came to say goodbye, In the flash - Flowey [Using Tillie's posestand]
Hair: Renata - Truth
Skin: Lulu - Glam affair
Eyes: Stella eyes n4 - Glam affair
Lashes: Mesh lashes v.01 - Beetlebones
Jacket: Sleek blazer - Leverocci
Necklace: Vintage lace bib - League
Top: Mini corset - Tee*fy
Bracelet: Princess - Donna flora
Skirt: Fonda suede skirt - MichaMi
Shoes: Clog - Handverk [The Arcade: 1st September - 30th September]
Location: Savoir Faire [Rez, Script]
Creator info and SLURLs can be found on the Designer list page.
Or maybe not! These fabulous clogs are available at The Arcade, which ends today. You know you want to rock these.
Poses: Came to say goodbye, In the flash - Flowey [Using Tillie's posestand]
Hair: Renata - Truth
Skin: Lulu - Glam affair
Eyes: Stella eyes n4 - Glam affair
Lashes: Mesh lashes v.01 - Beetlebones
Jacket: Sleek blazer - Leverocci
Necklace: Vintage lace bib - League
Top: Mini corset - Tee*fy
Bracelet: Princess - Donna flora
Skirt: Fonda suede skirt - MichaMi
Shoes: Clog - Handverk [The Arcade: 1st September - 30th September]
Location: Savoir Faire [Rez, Script]
Creator info and SLURLs can be found on the Designer list page.