Did you miss me?

A combo of busybusybusy times (boo RL, I shake my agry fist at you) and an untimely cold (I shake my fist even harder at you!) has kept me from blogging this past few days! (Yes, I have turned into one of those people who think a couple of days of abscence need an explanation) (and even worse: I have turned into one of those people who ramble on about pointless things in their blog) (but I do like adding my thoughts between brackets, makes me look cool) (or maybe not).

Anyhoo. New month, new stuff! Last Sunday the Arcade kicked off. Like everyone (and their sister) the sound of gacha makes me gaga and I got lots (and lots) of goodies!

Pose: if i could only see, in the blackest of rooms, in the blink - Flowey [Using Tillie's posestand]
Hair: Scarlet - Leltuka
Skin: Cleo - Glam affair
Eyes: Stella eyes n4 - Glam affair
Lashes: Mesh lashes v.01 - Beetlebones
Glasses: Meowculars - Flowey for Stories & Co [The Arcade: 1st September - 30th September]
Dress: Camille dress - The secret store
Boots: Rider boots - House of Fox [The Arcade: 1st September - 30th September]
Location: Rougham
Creator info and SLURLs can be found on the Designer list page.
A combo of busybusybusy times (boo RL, I shake my agry fist at you) and an untimely cold (I shake my fist even harder at you!) has kept me from blogging this past few days! (Yes, I have turned into one of those people who think a couple of days of abscence need an explanation) (and even worse: I have turned into one of those people who ramble on about pointless things in their blog) (but I do like adding my thoughts between brackets, makes me look cool) (or maybe not).
Anyhoo. New month, new stuff! Last Sunday the Arcade kicked off. Like everyone (and their sister) the sound of gacha makes me gaga and I got lots (and lots) of goodies!
Pose: if i could only see, in the blackest of rooms, in the blink - Flowey [Using Tillie's posestand]
Hair: Scarlet - Leltuka
Skin: Cleo - Glam affair
Eyes: Stella eyes n4 - Glam affair
Lashes: Mesh lashes v.01 - Beetlebones
Glasses: Meowculars - Flowey for Stories & Co [The Arcade: 1st September - 30th September]
Dress: Camille dress - The secret store
Boots: Rider boots - House of Fox [The Arcade: 1st September - 30th September]
Location: Rougham
Creator info and SLURLs can be found on the Designer list page.