Love love love the latest shoes for Collabor88! And everything else I'm wearing (like Glam affair's flowers, because flowers are purty), but these shoes deserve a special mention because a) straps, b) bows, c) total fabulousness!

Pose: Through the cooling twilight, win without the fight, being young and so brave - Flowey [Using Tillie's posestand]
Hair: Cry baby - Lamb
Skin: Marta - Glam affair
Eyes: Stella eyes n4 - Glam affair
Lashes: Mesh lashes v.01 - Beetlebones
Body: Lara - Maitreya
Flowers: Dea headpiece - Glam affair [Fameshed: 1 March - 27 March]
Eyeshadow: Glitter pollen - Izzie's [TLC: 7th April - 30 April]
Dress: Leather slip dress - Mimikri [TLC: 7th April - 30 April]
Shoes: Honey.platforms - [Collabor88: 8 April - 6 May]
Bokeh glitter - Keke
Creator info and SLURLs can be found on the designer page.

Pose: Through the cooling twilight, win without the fight, being young and so brave - Flowey [Using Tillie's posestand]
Hair: Cry baby - Lamb
Skin: Marta - Glam affair
Eyes: Stella eyes n4 - Glam affair
Lashes: Mesh lashes v.01 - Beetlebones
Body: Lara - Maitreya
Flowers: Dea headpiece - Glam affair [Fameshed: 1 March - 27 March]
Eyeshadow: Glitter pollen - Izzie's [TLC: 7th April - 30 April]
Dress: Leather slip dress - Mimikri [TLC: 7th April - 30 April]
Shoes: Honey.platforms - [Collabor88: 8 April - 6 May]
Bokeh glitter - Keke
Creator info and SLURLs can be found on the designer page.